December 31, 2009

Northern Virginia Photographer - New Beginnings

This little one had the honor of being my last session of the year and boy, did she make me work for it! She did not want to miss the party and had us wait almost two hours until she decided to take a nap. Even then, she would flinch at the sound of my camera clicking and I knew I only had a short window to get these shots. Our patience was worth it though. Look as how sweet she is, can you stand it?

This is the second time I have had the chance to photograph this little one. The first time she was all wrapped up inside her beautiful momma. You can click here to see that session.

Thanks Mom and Dad for turning up the heat and hanging out with me while we waited for Miss S to fall asleep. She is just precious and I can't wait to watch her grow!




December 24, 2009

Northern Virginia Photographer - Merry Christmas!

May you and your family have a wonderful holiday that includes the blessing of family, fun and memories.

If you are looking for a place to celebrate the coming of a baby savior, might I recommend McLean Bible Church. We have many services this afternoon and this evening. You can find out more on their website. Click here and look on the right hand side to find out times and information about our 5 Christmas Eve Services.

Merry Christmas!


Northern Virginia Photographer - Daybreak

Yesterday I had a wonderful opportunity to go into the inner city of DC and volunteer at DayBreak Ministries. DayBreak is an inner city ministry serving the community Lincoln Heights in northeast Washington, DC. Every year they take donations of new toys and have a Christmas Sale for the neighborhood residents. The toys are sold for 10% of their retail price and it gives residents who need a little help with the Christmas shopping a chance to pick up toys, clothes and other items for their children.

This Christmas Sale is one of the many things that Daybreak does for the community. During the year they are primarily an after school program that provides mentoring, tutoring, arts and crafts and even dinner to school aged children in the surrounding neighborhood.

I spent the day there taking pictures of the sale, our volunteers and the people who came to shop. Because this was a sale that was focused on providing toys for children, no children were allowed inside. So I, of course, found myself outside in the cold hanging out with some of the fun kids that live in that neighborhood. They were very willing to pose for my camera and I hope that they had a fun time while their parents and grandparents were given a chance to shop.

As with all non-profit organizations, Daybreak is always looking for donations and volunteers. If you are interested in helping out in some way, please visit their website or the website of
McLean Bible Church.

I took a ton of pictures yesterday, here are just some of my favorites.




December 19, 2009

Northern Virginia Photographer - Snow Day!

Well in case you haven't heard, we are having quite the snow storm around here. So far we have over two feet at our house and at the time of this post, it is still snowing outside. It has been quite a long time since we have had a snowstorm like this. So what happens when you absolutely cannot leave your house? How quickly a case of cabin fever develops and everyone is itching to get out! Never mind that earlier in the week we stayed in for three days straight without a thought but now, we can't get out and we NEED to get out! So we did, granted shoveling the long driveway isn't our usual idea of fun but it was something to do together and it needed to be done.

So we layered up in as many layers as we could. Funny how mommy and daddy weren't really prepared with proper clothes but the baby, she was set from head to toe and completely color coordinated. As soon as we opened the door she ran out, fell face first into the snow and started eating it. She loved walking, playing and rolling in it. It was so fun to watch her experience her first major snow storm.



Here is a dogwood tree in our yard. I could almost hear it screaming for spring.


What two feet of snow looks like next to a set of very long legs.


Now, here is what most of the people want to know about. On my facebook page I have been talking about the Cake Balls I have been making this holiday season. I made another batch today because we are supposed to be going to a party tomorrow night and I need to bring something yummy to share.

My good friend Christi over at The Sassy Ruffle got me hooked on these. She found them at and they are so yummy. Now don't be fooled, they are a pain to make and take a long time. But I guarantee if you do make them, EVERYONE who tries them will think you are a baking genius. There are a few tricks to this so if you are going to try making them, shoot me an e-mail and I will tell you a few things I have learned along the way that might ease some of your frustration.

Here are my "Cake Pops".


Here are my "Cake Balls"


They are no where near as pretty as what you will find on, but they sure do taste good. Enjoy!

December 17, 2009

Northern Virginia Child Photographer - Bows, Bows, Bows!!!

If you read my blog on a regular basis or if you are ever out and about and run into us, you know that I love bows! Specifically I love BIG bows on little girls and babies. Nothing is cuter than a little girl with a great big bow in their hair.

As luck would have it, a new bow store has opened near me and one day I went in there and started talking with the owner. I told her that I was a photographer and would love to photograph some of her products on my clients and daughter. Seeing that I do have one of the cutest little girls EVER ;), she readily agreed. These are a few of the bows and pictures that I was fortunate enough to provide for them to help promote their store and products. I am looking forward to working together with them to help them get the word out about their business in the future. We have lots of great ideas so keep a look out in the Spring.

So if you live in this area please go see my new friend Kristen at unBOWlievable in The Dulles Town Center shopping mall. She will take great care of you. Tell her Dorie sent you!

For this session we featured some of the great Winter and Holiday bows they have in stock.


I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, these little hats. They have a small loop where you can interchange the bows to match different outfits. SOOOO cute, I would have them in every color if I could.



December 13, 2009

Northern Virginia Family Photographer - LOVE!

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of doing a session with my Sister-in-Law and her future husband. It was Halloween morning and if you live in this area you might remember that it was an exceptionally cold day. They were good sports and we had a fun time walking around one of my favorite places taking all sorts of pictures.

Thanks for braving the cold with me Cindy and Jon. It was so great to spend the morning with you and document the excitement you have for your future life together. Welcome to the family Jon!!!



If you know my Sister-in-Law you know that she LOVES to shop.

