Here are a few of the pictures that I took on our recent trip to Portland. Portland is known as the City of Roses. Did you know that? Many think Pasadena, California is because of the World Famous Rose Parade and Rose Bowl game that happens every New Year's Day. But no, the official City of Roses is Portland, OR. They have the rose gardens to prove it too. While we were there we went to the Rose Gardens located in Washington Park. Washington Park is also home to The Portland Zoo and The World Forestry Center. If you visit Portland, go at the end of May to experience the Rose Festival and all it has to offer.
It would figure though, that my favorite pictures that I took that day were not of roses at all. I found some rhododendrons that were all in bloom, like walls of purple and red. And then one other flower that I never did find out the name of but was growing like a vine on a lamp post in the parking lot. See, in the famous words of Madonna, beauty's where you find it. :) So if you are the first person to let me know the name of the flower featured in the first picture and provide a reliable source for verification, I'll send you a free 8x10 of it. To see more versions of the photo to help you out a little bit visit the online gallery.
To see more of my macro and nature photos, please visit my online gallery HERE.
Do you know what this is?
Also, I you have a color scheme or design theme in mind that you would like me to photograph I would be happy to entertain custom work on a case by case basis. Please e-mail inquiries to dorie at doriehowell dot com
It's beautiful! I obviously don't know for sure, but could it be Clematris Empress? I found this:
After careful consideration, the only Clematis that I found that comes close is the Dr. Ruppel.