August 27, 2010

Vienna, VA Family Photographer - Sigh!

All the signs are out there. Summer is coming to an end. We have hit some cooler days around here (I hope they stay but I am sure we have a few more scorchers to come) and all the talk in the circle of moms is of school, activities and Halloween costumes.

I LOVE being a stay at home mom. I can't imagine not being home to see all the little ways my daughter changes and grows on a day to day basis. Lately I can see how quickly those changes are coming and I know that when she starts school in two weeks, that she will grow even more quickly in this new stimulating environment. She will do great, I on the other hand, might shed a tear or two.

This week she has done some things that just make me smile and want to hold onto this time before it slips away. She is potty trained, sleeps in a big girl bed without rails and has only fallen out once, knows all her letters and can spell very simple words, and remembers to say her prayers before dinner and before she goes to bed. The only real remainder of babyhood is her precious "lil blanky.

She cannot go in the bathroom without brushing her teeth because they are "germy". She hates to wear her clothes (a direct result of potty training I am sure) and in the mall this week she took off her shirt 8 times and the shoes were off before we got into our first store. And her obsession with lipstick has expanded to 'scara and eyeshadow.

It is always an adventure and I love it! Thanks for making my life complete little one.

Here are some pictures from today. Not sure why she decided today was the day to paint her face with whatever she could find, but it is. I need to do a better job and putting up my mascara and hide the highlighters.



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