August 7, 2010

Vienna Photography - A Challenge

OK, I fully admit that I have been a bad, bad blogger. I have been having sessions behind my reader's back and have not shown them to you. Not because I don't want to. My hard drive is full of wonderful images of beautiful babies and children. I just have chosen to get my clients their images sooner and by not spending the time posting on my blog, I am able to do that. But I promise to be better about updating you on my sessions. So my challenge to myself this week is to put up a new blog entry every day for 7 days. These posts will feature sessions that I have had over the past few weeks and just haven't had time to feature them here.

To start out the week of the blog, I am showing a few pictures the I took today on our family trip to the National Aquarium in Baltimore. I loved the Jellyfish exhibit and could have stayed there all day long. And, of course, one picture of my little one. I have not taken any proper pictures of her in months and that needs to change as well. I am sure that will make the grandparents happy. :)

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and check back every day this week for more new posts.




1 comment:

  1. Those are all beautiful. I am so impressed with your talent. Let's see now which one is my favorite. Can you guess?

