December 22, 2010

Northern Virginia Portrait Photographer - The Moon

You might have heard that this week we had a full lunar eclipse. Many in the photography world were very excited to get their camera on the moon that night. Well, I did wake up and go outside around 3:30 in the morning to see if it was worth carrying out all my equipment to try and get some pictures of the moon. Not only was it below freezing, but there was a very good cloud cover that prevented me from seeing the moon anywhere. So I just went back inside to my cozy bed and didn't think anything of it.

The next night as we were driving home from dinner I couldn't help but notice how the moon looked in the sky. Just big, round and beautiful. So after putting the little one to bed, I bundled up and headed outside to take some pictures. There was a very fast moving cloud cover so I had to time the photos just right. Every once in awhile there would be a hole that the moon would poke through. When it looked like a hole would be in the right spot I would click the shutter button hoping that the timer and clouds would cooperate at the same time. (Hint - if you want shots like this, use a tripod and the self timer, helps eliminate camera shake and motion from the longer exposures you might need.)

I actually like how the clouds add a different dimension to these photos. Sort of mysterious.



