December 30, 2010

Fairfax Virginia Family Photographer - FIGHT!

The day after Christmas I went and had a session with this great, fun family. I have known them for a little bit and our paths have crossed at church and at some mutual friends home for various events. We have always been friendly and I have always enjoyed chatting with them on a casual basis. About three weeks ago I got an e-mail that promptly brought them to the forefront of my mind regularly. Chris, the dad, has been diagnosed with stage 4 Melanoma cancer and is now in a very real fight for his life. What was a busy time of preparing for Christmas became a time of doctor visits, MRI's, extreme diet changes and questions. Some of those questions would get prompt answers and other questions will not be answered for weeks, if not months in the future.

When I got the news of their situation I was really at a loss of what I could do for them. I took the plunge and contacted them offering a free session. It might have seemed to come out of the blue but I honestly feel that there is no better time like the present to document family memories. We don't have to wait until we are at the perfect weight, our hair is done exactly right or every single family member is in town. Taking time out to capture what is happening at that moment is priceless. It is a gift to give our children and our children's children.

I always tell my clients that this is why I force myself to have my own picture taken once in awhile with my daughter. They may not be the type of photos that I want out on the internet, but I know that when she looks back on them she won't see my extra weight, my roots or the face where my wrinkles are getting more and more pronounced as time goes on. (Although, I do have to admit, I am guilty of doing a little editing on my own photos. :) I hope that she sees a mom that loves her more than anything and would try to move the moon and stars for her if required.

There is no PERFECT time to have photos taken. Now is the perfect time.

Please join me in praying for this great family as they travel down this scary and unpredictable road. Chris is in a waiting game right now with his treatment as they try to see if one of the courses of treatment will work for his particular type of cancer. We believe in a God of miracles and in a God that is bigger than cancer.

Chris's mantra that he put on his website is this: " 'I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD' its Psalm 118v17 - so get ready for me to pound you with Gods miracles and works."

Chris, we cannot wait!

If you live locally, you might remember that it was snowing this afternoon and just about as dark and dreary as it could me. We did find some great light in their house and just went for it. I think you will be able to tell, we had a pretty fun time!







1 comment:

  1. Doris that is such an amazig gift to give this family. Chris is in my prayers. Such a beautiful family

