November 7, 2010

Vienna, VA Family Photographer - Beautiful Family

I met with this family last week for a family session in one of my favorite locations. It was cold but the light was beautiful and we were able to not only get some great shots of the entire family but also some of each individual child in the family. During the session mom and I were talking and she was telling me that usually they do a traditional studio picture for their holiday card and by the end she usually is sweating and yelling. As any mom knows, getting kids to sit still, look at the camera, smile and act like they like each other is no easy task. Multiply that by 5 kids and if you walk out of the studio with something that you are happy to show off to your family and friends, it is nothing short of a miracle.

I am happy to report that not only was no one sweating or yelling at the end of the session, I actually heard Dad say that it was fun. WHAT! Dad's never think this is fun, but I have to admit, this was fun session.

This entire family is gorgeous. Seriously, the ladies could all be shampoo models. I am a little jealous of their shiny, flowing locks. And the men, well, of course they are as handsome as can be!

I don't want to ruin the surprise by unveiling the family holiday picture, but here are some of the individual shots I took of the kids.

Love me some sun flare!




This was the outfit that he picked out to wear in the photos. No, this is not the final outfit but I made sure he got a picture in his favorite Clifford top.


Could this be a shampoo ad, or what?


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