November 7, 2010

DC Metro Family Photographer - A Navy Man

I love the other photographers who work along side me in the Northern Virginia Area. There is quiet a tight network here and it is great to be able to help each other out once in awhile. A few weeks ago fellow photographer, Stephanie Johnson of Babysnap photography sent out an e-mail asking if anyone was able to take a session that involved a VERY tight time schedule and a family that wanted to be photographed downtown at the monuments. Luckily for me, I was able to fit them into my schedule at the last minute and we had a great time.

Thank you for meeting me downtown and letting me photograph you in and around some of our nation's most beautiful architecture.

Congratulations on that beautiful little boy and best of luck with your move. Thank you for your service to our country, we are lucky to have families like you working in our armed forces.

Look at that cute little nose!


There was a gentleman that sort of followed us from place to place that afternoon and was very taken with our cute little model. When we were at this location he actually stepped in and asked to take a picture of "my" family. Also, a woman who saw me taking pictures intentionally stepped in front of me as I was trying to get this shot in front of the Vietnam Memorial. Not all of the interesting characters are found in political office around here.

Now our little model let us know many times that he was not impressed. He was such a trooper and hardly fussed but I bet I have 30 pictures of him yawning


Go Navy!



  1. Great pictures Dorie. Such an honor to be able to photograph some of nations finest. Gorgeous little guy too.

  2. Love these! So glad you guys were able to work together!!

