February 3, 2010

Northern Virginia Photographer - So New

Today I had the pleasure of having this little guy in my studio. Now I have to admit, I am not usually one to do too many sessions in my studio. I love the idea of capturing a family in their own environment. It makes for a nice relaxed atmosphere where people can be themselves and I can catch those great candid moments that just don't happen anywhere else. Well, not sure if you have heard, but we are having quite the weather around here and we had to squeeze this in between snow storms before this sweet little guy got to old.

So mom and dad where troopers and bundled him up and drove over to my house where I have my little studio in the basement. He arrived ready to sleep and was such a good sport about us moving him around into different positions. We discovered that as long as he was kept nice and warm, he really didn't let anything bother him. You see, newborns like it warm, very warm. Usually for these sessions I am wearing shorts and a t-shirt because the heat is cranked up HIGH. This was no exception. Add to that studio lights, and in no time at all the baby was comfy as can be but we were all about to fall over from the heat. I'm glad to report that all the adults survived and I was able to capture some sweet shots of Mr. "O".



Thanks for making the trip out to see me today "C" Family. He is just too sweet!


  1. Gorgeous Dorie! Lighting looks great and what a handsome guy!!

  2. Oh my goodness! He is absolutely adorable. Love the one of him in the red sling.

  3. The photographs are great and show off that handsome little guy. Another great newborn session.

  4. OH wow - these are great Dorie!

  5. I really admire your work! I need to post every time that I come and read/see a post. I see just about everyone!

  6. I love the lights in the eyes!!!

  7. I think newborns are the best subjects!

  8. I never saw a baby suspended in such a way, What a nice way to show just how small and delicate they are!!!

  9. Great, as always. Love the red sling and the black background. Now if you could only do something like that with a 2-year-old!

  10. Thanks everyone! He was a sweet little boy and so easy to work with. I love being able to try new things with my work.

  11. I love the sling picture!! Well, I love them both, but I love how original the red sling is :)

