February 16, 2010

Northern Virginia Photographer - The Eyes Have It

About a week ago I did something that I had thought about for several years. I had Lasik Eye Surgery. I have been wearing glasses or contacts every since I was 9 years old and considering I just turned *Ahem* 41 years old, that is a long time. I'm not sure why it took me so long to have it done, I had been hearing for years that it was great, safe, and with very low risk. Yes, people have had issues with the procedure but that was not what kept me away. It was the simple fact that I just couldn't get over that they would be touching my actual eyeball with a laser AND I would have to be AWAKE the whole time. I mean, Who does that? Just the thought of it, grosses me out and totally gives me the heebie jeebies.

Well, I finally got brave and decided to take the leap and have it done. Let me tell you - it is the best money I have ever spent on myself. My vision is now 20/15, better than 20/20 and I just couldn't be happier with the results.

It has been just over a week and old habits are hard to break. I still reach for my glasses first thing in the morning. I still can't get used to the fact that I can watch TV in bed and not have to take them off or go take my contacts out to fall asleep. I feel like something is missing off my face most of the time. I know all those things will fade with time but it is something that is taking a little bit to get used to.

But for now, good bye old friends. Thank you for your service for so long but you are no longer needed here.


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