November 19, 2009

Northern Virginia Photographer - Growing!

The past month has been a crazy one around here. Trying to keep up with my editing and all the holiday card sessions has been a challenge. November is typically a very busy month for us photographers. Everyone wants to get that perfect picture of their family for the holiday card, we have to work around weather that can either be beautiful or tragically horrible, and we have all the personal responsibilities that mount around this time of year, just like everyone else.

Now, I am not complaining. The BEST part of my job is the chance that I have to see my clients grow and change throughout the year. I love being a part of that so much. So one Sunday afternoon two weeks ago, I had three sessions scheduled. Scheduling so many back to back like that is risky. We never know what the weather is going to be like and if they have to be rescheduled due to rain, it can be a nightmare. But this day was GORGEOUS! We could not have asked for more beautiful weather AND I got to see some my favorite clients. I have photographed these twins two times before and it is so fun to see all their new tricks and how they are growing.

Now they are 1, almost walking and cute as can be. An added bonus was that this time I spent a few minutes alone with their big sister. We had a few extra minutes so I took some pictures of them just for the fun of documenting this time in the kid's lives.

Thanks for crossing the river to spend some time with me. It was great seeing you, as always.




Mom and I were talking about the twins pants and I loved the fact that they were lined with flannel. She told me that she purchased them at Boden and went on and on about how great the customer service was for returns. They have some super cute stuff on their website that is in styles that aren't usually found in our mall stores.

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