November 29, 2009

Northern Virginia Family Photographer - Adored

To say this sweet little girl is adored is an understatement. You could feel the love oozing from her parents during the whole session. I hardly had to lift a finger. Mom and Dad did all the lifting, positioning and were up for anything I wanted to try. She was so good and agreeable and didn't even make a peep when we stripped her down and put her on the hard wood floor.

Thanks for a great afternoon "E" family. I am so glad we were able to work it in on such short notice. She is adorable and so incredibly sweet. I would love take you up on your offer to come back in the Spring so we can capture her in that beautiful back yard with all the flowers in bloom. Enjoy your peak!




This little one didn't need any help with her accessories but the hair bows are from
Babymelons I love it when we actually have to take a bow off during a session because we risk being "over accessorized".


  1. Such great shots of this beautiful little girl! I love the first one, so cute!

  2. I love these Dorie! That mirror one is SO creative!

