March 11, 2009

It's almost here... {Northern Virginia Child Photographer}

Spring that is. We took advantage of this beautiful day we had today to go to a local garden. I love coming here in the Spring when all the Daffodils are starting to bloom and the buds are coming out on the Cherry Blossom trees. This time I took advantage of the opportunity to also scout out some great locations for pictures. If you are in the area and would like to schedule a Springtime Session, don't wait to long. It is creeping up on us and will be here and gone before we know it. I have to get a permit from the garden at least 7 days ahead of time so these sessions cannot be booked at the last minute. They have a wonderful children's garden with cute things for the kids to do. My little one loved this giant, colorful sculpture and had a blast running in and around it.





  1. Great photos. I like the action shown

  2. They are all great. I think the 1st one is so good showing this little person on a mission.
    What fun to run around in. Looks like a good addition to the Gardens.

  3. Beautiful! Love the middle one so much, great colors & her smile is just sweet & adorable!

