March 29, 2009

All Boy! {DC Metro Family Photographer}

When I was pregnant with my little girl I found an online community of women who all had babies due in October, 2007. Throughout the past 2+ years, many of us have met and developed friendships that reach beyond the walls of that online community to form "real live" friendships. This little guy is one of those babies born the same month as my little girl and whose mom has become a dear friend of mine. We get together when we can to catch up and see our children play together. We met for lunch today along with two other mommies from this group. We had a great time. After lunch we went outside to enjoy the beautiful weather and true to form, this typical little boy found a puddle that was just begging to be jumped in. Can you picture his thought process in these pictures? I told you, he is All Boy!




1 comment:

  1. LOL! So cute. I am so jealous of you guys! It looks like you al had fun, though, so I'm glad about that.

