June 6, 2011

Vienna Family Photographer - Your Legacy

There are times in our lives when so many things happen that just can't be explained in words. In the past week I have been around people who have experienced losses that I can hardly even comprehend. One the passing of a child and the other the passing of a mother. Although I am not directly involved in these events, I still cannot help but reflect on them deeply.

The mother who passed away last week was only 38 years old and died of complications from giving birth to her second son. (Yes, even with our modern medicine this still happens way to often.) So now there are two precious little boys who don't have a mom and a husband trying to make sense of it all. Tragic beyond words.

When I hear of things like this I cannot help but relate it to my own life. What would happen if I died today? What would happen to my family? What would my legacy be? Have I made a great enough impression on my daughter that she would remember me and tell her children about me? How would my husband carry on? (probably better than I would like :) Would I have just been a blip on the radar of life having made really no difference at all?

The answers to those questions really can't be answered. All I can do is make sure that I do my best to live a life that embodies the things that are most important to me. Faith: in a Savior whose love goes beyond all measure. Family: So glad that I am assured of seeing them again after my time here on earth is done. People: Treating all with respect, love and kindness. (I struggle with this sometimes, as I am sure we all do. I vow to do better)

How are you doing on your legacy? Are you living the life that shows what is most important to you? After you are gone, will people KNOW by how you lived your life what mattered most to you. If not, get on it! We are never promised tomorrow so don't waste today!

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully said Dorie! Such tragedies to lose people so young. My heart just breaks for those little boys and the parents that lost their child. It does put things in perspective that is for sure!

