February 2, 2011

Northern Virginia Photographer - Happy Birthday!

Two weeks ago I got a call from a fellow photographer saying that a client of hers was having a big get together in honor of her Grandmother's 85th birthday and was I available to take pictures of the family at the party? Event pictures are not my usual thing but I paused for a minute and thought, "why not"?

The reason being is that last March when we had my Grandmother's 100th birthday celebration, we hired a photographer to help us capture the memories that day and it was the best thing we could have done. I didn't have to "work" that party and we were able to commemorate Grandma's 100th birthday with some formal and family portraits that will be treasured by my family for generations to come.

I wanted to be able to provide that same thing for this family as they gathered to celebrate their grandmother's birthday.

Happy Birthday Mary! Thank you for letting me document your big day with your wonderful family.


Four generations of beautiful ladies.


The beautiful guest of honor.


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