January 21, 2011

Vienna, VA Family Photographer - Sick

Well I knew we had dodged the bullet far to long. With our little one starting pre-school this year I knew that we would eventually have to deal with the parade of germs and sickness that seem to plague all children when they get thrown into the petri dish of the classroom. The germ pool has finally reached our home and seems very reluctant to leave, no matter how much lysol, clorox, and soap I throw at it.

So here we sit with our very first ear infection ever, both adults coming down with colds and a little one that hasn't slept through the night for over a week. (I dealt fine with it during the newborn stage, am I that much older now that I can't function on 4 hours of interrupted sleep a night? Wait, don't answer that.) Mommy and Daddy are tired. But there is light at the end of the dark tunnel here, antibiotics, numbing drops, motrin and a morning nap. We will prevail.

Sleep well little one, I hope your body is quickly killing whatever is causing all this mayhem.


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