October 14, 2010

Fairfax Virginia Family Photographer -Sisters!

Last week, my good friend Stephanie of Babysnap Photography and I met down in her part of the world to take some pictures of our little girls. I have known Stephanie for more years than I am actually going to put in writing but lets just say it is long enough that we were roommates before we got married, before the internet and 90210 (the original) and Melrose Place were still on the air. :) She is a wonderful photographer and has been so helpful and supportive to my business as it has grown over the past 2+ years.

Our little girls are all about the same age so we have extra excuses to try and get together when we can. On this morning we took our girls out into this field and I had a blast working with her two. They definitely have this modeling thing down!

Thanks for a great afternoon ladies. We must get together more often!

Her youngest, who is just a month older than my little one.


Her second youngest, she was giving me the greatest poses the whole time.


Work it, work it!


Give each other a hug


Now what about a kiss? I love this one! Gotta love the innocence of children.


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