September 3, 2010

Fairfax Virginia Family Photographer - Back to School!

I am sure when you saw the title of this blog that you expected cute little pictures of my little one in her first day of school outfit ready to hit the books. Sadly, no, that will be next week. :) This post is about me. See to some of you I am a photographer of little people. To many others though who knew me before I picked up a camera, I am a singer.

I started singing at a very young age and have always been involved in some sort of production in one way or another for years. Before I had my daughter I was in school full time pursuing that elusive performance degree that I never bothered to get when I was younger. I really loved being in school the energy was great and being constantly pushed out of my comfort zone was something that I became used to. There is nothing like the pressure of being given a song in a language that you have never sung before and told that you will be singing it in front of your peers and instructors for a grade in a weeks time. As a singer, I put my emotions and talent out on the table every I sang. Talk about nerve wracking.

So when I got pregnant that goal was put on hold until my daughter started school of her own and I had time to get back to classes. Well, in the meantime I started this photography thing that has kept me more than busy. But it is time to get back to classes so I can finish what I started. SO does that mean I am giving up photography, NOT A CHANCE! But I will have one more ball to juggle in the air for the next year or so. I'm looking forward to the challenge, more sleepless nights and doing something for myself.

I go to George Mason University in Fairfax, VA. Here is George welcoming all who come to study there. Usually he is decorated in some fashion but today he was standing alone.


While I was on my leave a beautiful new wing of the performing arts department was built.


And here is me on my first day of school this semester. (No, not the angry looking soprano with her mouth gaping open, although I probably do look like that most of the time when I am in my lessons.)


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