May 12, 2010

DC Metro Family Photographer - Now What?

I have noticed over the months that many of my clients want to display their photos in their home but have a hard time knowing what sizes and combinations would work best for their space. I mean, not all of us can be interior designers, I know that I certainly am not. In fact, I struggle with this same issue. I have great plans for the pictures of my family and want to have them displayed in my home but I really struggle with how to put things together on my walls. I am so excited to say that now I have some tools to help my clients put together beautiful, professional displays that they can be sure will show off their photographs in wonderful way.

I am excited to put these tools to use in my home and I know they will take much of the guess work out of it for you too!

If you are a previous client and would like access to these tools, please just shoot me an e-mail. I would be happy to send you the information and re-load your gallery for free in case you need to order a picture or two to fill in the gaps.

Here is a very small sample of some of the ideas that you can have. I take all the guess work out of it for you.



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