March 30, 2010

Northern Virginia Family Photographer - Chilly

This past Saturday I met with this beautiful family downtown at a new location. I love finding new places to hold my sessions that not many people know about or dare to go. I, as usual, had great expectations but Mother Nature decided to cut them short by turning down the heat. These kids were troopers and it didn't seem to bother them that it was barely over 40 degrees outside. Even though it was very chilly, we got the job done and by looking at the pictures I don't think anyone will be able to tell that we all were freezing our tails off.

Thanks for coming out and enduring the cold with me "H" family. Your children are absolutely beautiful!

How cute are these twins? I could have just played with them all day!


And their adorable big brother, right before he showed me all his great sports moves.


1 comment:

  1. Love these! The first one is one of the best twin photos I've seen!!!

