So we layered up in as many layers as we could. Funny how mommy and daddy weren't really prepared with proper clothes but the baby, she was set from head to toe and completely color coordinated. As soon as we opened the door she ran out, fell face first into the snow and started eating it. She loved walking, playing and rolling in it. It was so fun to watch her experience her first major snow storm.
Here is a dogwood tree in our yard. I could almost hear it screaming for spring.
What two feet of snow looks like next to a set of very long legs.
Now, here is what most of the people want to know about. On my facebook page I have been talking about the Cake Balls I have been making this holiday season. I made another batch today because we are supposed to be going to a party tomorrow night and I need to bring something yummy to share.
My good friend Christi over at The Sassy Ruffle got me hooked on these. She found them at and they are so yummy. Now don't be fooled, they are a pain to make and take a long time. But I guarantee if you do make them, EVERYONE who tries them will think you are a baking genius. There are a few tricks to this so if you are going to try making them, shoot me an e-mail and I will tell you a few things I have learned along the way that might ease some of your frustration.
Here are my "Cake Pops".
Here are my "Cake Balls"
They are no where near as pretty as what you will find on, but they sure do taste good. Enjoy!
What a fun day in the snow! S looks adorable in her pink snow clothes!! The cake balls look very pretty, great job on them!!