October 4, 2009

Northern Virginia Child Photographer - Happy Fall!

What a beautiful weekend we had here in Northern Virginia. I don't think the weather could have been any nicer. Our family took advantage of this and headed off to do some fall apple picking. I, of course, took this as a sign that we must do a little photo session in the middle of the apple grove. So with her cute dress and hair bow on, we ventured out into the orchards of High Hill Farm in Winchester, VA. We have visited this farm every year for the past 4 years and have always come away with a tons of apples that are so good to eat and cook with.

After a great lunch in Old Town Winchester at the Village Square Restaurant we stopped at Veramar Winery where my husband and father enjoyed a wine tasting given by the owner of the vineyard. It was a fun filled day.

I hope everyone had a chance to get out and enjoy the weekend. Before we know it winter will be here and we will be all bundled up. Happy Fall!


Outfit by Gymboree
Shoes by Target


  1. S gets more beautiful every day!

  2. As always beautiful girl and beautiful pictures!

  3. What a fun time! You really captured the fealing of Fall in these pictures. S is as cute as ever!!

  4. You have certainly mastered the S "action shot!" I love the apple snack in the corn field. Fall is here! Yay!!!

  5. She gets more beautiful in each post. I love the outfit, perfect fall attire! I adore the running shot, priceless!

