Every person has a talent. Something that they excel at. I have many talented friends but today let me tell you about my good friend Christi. Christi and I are friends through the wonderful invention of the internet. She lives in Oklahoma and I am in Virginia. We "chat" almost daily through Facebook and if we lived closer to each other we would probably get in trouble for shopping too much, laughing too loud and would love every single minute of it. Christi is talented. She makes these AMAZING handmade children's clothes and quilts. Christi suggested to me a few months ago that in exchange for a camera lens that I had, she would make me a 1st year quilt. Leave it to a mom to be creative in getting what she wants. :) Well long story short, the UPS man dropped of a box this past Friday of the most beautiful quilt I have ever seen. It is covered with clothes that my little one wore during her first year. Included on it is a hair bow, socks, her first Easter outfit, 3 and 6 month picture outfits, her first pair of jeans, my favorite onesies that she wore, all put together in a gorgeous creation. Words cannot express how much I love this quilt. I cried when I opened the box. Only a true friend could create something like this that will be treasured for a lifetime and only take a simple camera lens in exchange for it.
If you would like to see about getting one of these for your little one, look Christi up at
www.thesassyruffle.com. You will not be disappointed.