August 15, 2009

Happy, Happy! {Northern Virginia Photographer}

Imagine my surprise when my husband decided this week that I was due for a camera upgrade. Now don't get me wrong, I had been hinting, no blatantly asking, for this particular camera for quite sometime. In fact we had discussed on numerous occasions that I would be getting this camera but the time line was uncertain because, well, we all know that money doesn't grow on trees and once you get to a certain level, this stuff gets WAY expensive. So this week the stars aligned and off he went to the store during his lunch time on Friday and came home with my new very best friend. (He is sneaky and didn't tell me he was going to do this for sure. I found out about his purchase when I logged into Facebook and was greeted by a picture of the box that he put on my page.)

Now before I continue let me say this. I believe that photography is a skill and a creative talent. Many photographers out there are pure artists with the equipment that they use. My photographer friends and I often chuckle at how many times we get asked: "Wow, you take really great pictures, what kind of camera do you have?" I have no problems saying the I am a Canon girl. I have had Canon Cameras ever since I can remember and have always been very pleased with them. But asking a photographer what kind of camera they use is like asking an accountant what kind of calculator they have or Helio Castroneves what kind of car he drives. I think we all would agree that those professions require great equipment but more importantly skill and talent. An expensive camera won't make a great photographer any more than a set of vocal chords makes someone a great singer.

So with all that said, do I feel that this new camera will make me a better photographer? I'm not sure. But, now do I feel like I truly have the equipment to do my job to the best of my ability? ABSOLUTELY!!! I look forward to my sessions now knowing that the limitations that I experienced with my old camera will no longer be an issue.

PS - For those of you who have asked me what kind of camera I use, I take that as a compliment. I have no problems with you asking me anything you want about photography, cameras, post-processing techniques, etc... I love talking about this stuff and hope that what I have learned on my journey can be passed on to someone else.

And because no post is complete without a picture. One of the cutest faces ever! (Courtesy of the new camera :)



  1. Gorgeous as always. Congrats on the new camera. What a great suprise and an awesome way to get the news! oh and if I lived closer, I would have held off on this post :)

  2. The picture is beautiful, of course, but I love that your husband surprised you!

  3. Elizabeth CaulfieldAugust 15, 2009 at 8:24 PM

    Congratulations on the new camera! Good job Hubby for making it happen. Like you said, it's not the camera that makes you good, but having the best equipment sure makes the job easier & more enjoyable. I can't wait to see it next time my baby girl is in front of it.

  4. These are great photos. I'd love to see my granddaughter in photos like these!

  5. Your pictures are always great. Hard to believe they can be even better with your new camera... Looking forward to seeing what you can do now!!

  6. My wife is always telling me about your photos... I finally took a look, and she's right. Very nice!

  7. Hey chickie I finally found it. I am very excited about your new camera. By the way how did the picks turn out of my kids? Just curious. Talk with you soon.

  8. Congratulations on your new camera!!! I'm a canon girl too;)

