July 15, 2009

Blessings {Northern Virginia Family Photographer}

I love these kids. They are so special. They walk in the door and the whole room's energy level gets a huge boost. We have been friends for several years and anytime I see them I can't help but smile and get pulled into their fun world. That world was shaken severely though when several months ago their father was killed in a sudden and tragic motorcycle accident in the District of Columbia. A family of 5 is now a family of 4. Something so precious was taken from them with no warning at all. Luckily they are a family of great faith. We may not understand why this happens but we know that God will provide for this family in ways that we can't see or fathom at this time.

If you would like to help them, you can send donations to the Mark Waller Fund, c/o McLean Bible Church, P.O. Box 9300, McLean, VA 22102. All gifts are tax deductible and truly appreciated.

If you are reading this, hug your family a little bit tighter and tell them you love them. We are never promised tomorrow but we can take a moment to truly appreciate the blessings we have today.







  1. As always, Dorie - your photos are amazing! Your talent is truly a blessing!! I saw your note on FB, so am I the first comment?? :)

    Erin G. (WTE - RiannesMommy)

  2. Yup, Congratulations Erin, You just won a free session!!! I'll send you all the details via FB.

  3. I am doing a happy dance @ the action capture! But of course, they are all stunning... :)

  4. What darlings! How sad that they lost their father!

  5. What beautiful children, and what beautiful captures of each of them.

